Air Conditioning
Our reliance on Air conditioning in summer is nonnegotiable. Any sudden breakdown causes tremendous discomfort. Make sure your Ac system is ready prior to summer season. Let our specialized AC technicians check all the safeties, controls, check for leakages, clean up the coils and filters, and make sure no undesired surprises are coming up.
Commonly faced problems in your A/C system include:
See our check list for the tasks performed during preventive maintenance visits, Check lists are filled by our technicians along with any necessary comment and photos and kept in your record files. Heating System Have you tried to start your heating when it was very cold, and figured out it is not working properly. It is certainly a great inconvenience!! Let us take care of cleaning your boiler and chimney, restoring its integrity, venting your system, checking the water and adding needed chemicals, Checking your pipes for scaling and rust, restoring all safeties on your boiler…etc Commonly faced problems in your Heating system include:
See our check list for the tasks performed during preventive maintenance visits, Check lists are filled by our technicians along with any necessary comment and photos and kept in your record files. |